The aim of the Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC) is to maximise the efficient use of industry resources and funds to ensure the long term economic viability, security and prosperity of the Australian honey bee industry.
Click here to visit the AHBIC website
NSW DPI’s role is to provide support to the apiary industry through the provision of extension officers, research scientists, diagnostic laboratories, beekeeping courses and regulatory services.
Click here to visit the honey bee section of the NSW DPI website
BeeAware is a hub of information for beekeepers and growers about honey bee biosecurity and pollination of agricultural and horticultural crops.
The site contains an extensive range of information about exotic and established pests and diseases of honey bees, and helps beekeepers to identify and respond to these pest threats. It also contains information about the pollination of crops and how beekeepers and growers can work together to provide and receive best practice pollination services.
Click here to visit the BeeAware website
BeeConnected is a new smart-phone application (app) for Australian farmers and beekeepers who can now use this world-first technology to help ensure the safety of bees during normal farming practices.
BeeConnected can be downloaded for free as an iPhone or Android App, or accessed on a desktop computer via a web browser.
For more information, and to download, visit the BeeConnected website.
The aim of this Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) Honey Bee & Pollination Program is to support research, development and extension that will secure a productive, sustainable and more profitable Australian beekeeping industry and secure the pollination of Australia’s horticultural and agricultural crops.
Click here to visit the RIRDC Honey Bee & Pollination Program website
B-Qual Australia Pty Limited has been been establised by the Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHIC) as an independently developed and audited food saftey program. B-Qual covers: Industry Food Saftey Program, ‘Honey Quality Standard’ Booklet, Quality Assurance Standards template, Traning materials for industry facilitators, Auditor traing material, National auditor training workshops and a developement of an industry biosecurity plan.
For the past 3 years, the honey bee industry and Plant Health Australia (PHA) have been working to implement effective biosecurity arrangements for beekeepers around Australia.
Click here to see the Code of Practice and National Bee Biosecurity Program and how you can provide feedback.
Plant Health Australia is the national coordinator of the government-industry partnership for plant biosecurity in Australia. Our goal is to work with federal and state governments and industry representatives to promote strong biosecurity practices that minimise plant pest impacts on Australia, enhance market access and contribute to industry and community sustainability.
The purpose of the Wheen Bee Foundation is to raise awareness of the importance of bees for food security, and to raise money to help fund research projects that will address the national and global threats to bees.
Bees swarm when they feel overcrowded. It is a natural occurrence. Many amateur beekeepers will collect swarms in their local area as a community service. They will need to be able to get a beebox to the swarm and may leave the box there for a day or two. Remember to check to see if they charge any fee to cover expenses.
Tocal College offers nationally accredited beekeeping courses developed and delivered by technical experts in the field of apiculture.
Click on this link for further information.
We welcome all beekeepers to join our Association and become more involved in our industry.
Website by Relevate
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